
Friday, April 27, 2012

Live from Memphis!

We are currently visiting friends and family in Memphis and having a blast! We're here through the weekend, so if you are a Memphis friend reading this and I haven't gotten in touch with you, just text me or call and we'll try to get together if the girls' schedules allow it! So far, here's what we've accomplished:

- had lunch at the greatest lunch place ever, La Baguette, which just so happens to be where our wedding cakes came from!
Tamsie in her swing back in the 'Ville. She has missed it mightily these past few days.
- went back to our alma mater, the real BHS, on a whim, just to see if any of our old teachers were around. Y'all. We are old. We ran into a teacher we didn't know who informed us that pretty much everyone we could think of to ask about visiting has long been retired. It was altogether sad!
Evie and the old bear-ear hat, which is now also too small!
- saw my old elementary school playground (which has now been a part of the high school campus since I was in second grade) and sang a moving version of "This Used To Be My Playground." You should be sad you weren't there. Sort of.
Tamsie and her old bird hat... trying it on to see how small it is on her these days! It now looks like a skull cap!
- went to visit my sweet Grandma, who patiently endured some crying from girls who were first hungry and then tired.
Naptime in the pack 'n' play... a blessed and all-too-rare event! I had taken Tamsie (in pink) out to change her diaper, and when I brought her back, Evie had attempted to take up as much space as possible!
- had my Dad's homemade pizza for dinner... yum!

Tamsie and her blonde hair that pokes up in the back, kind of like her mom's did 28 years ago.
- hung out with Carissa, Cliff, and Melissa for the greater part of yesterday. Melissa made Pioneer Woman cinnamon rolls... YES!! We were all supposed to help with the cinnamon rolls, but Melissa rose to the occasion amidst the demanding baby-ness of it all. Mine absolutely refused to nap during the majority of their naptimes yesterday, preferring instead to fuss about how they missed their swings. We also sang a lovely (if I do say so myself) rendition of "I Have Nothing," in memory of our beloved Whitney. In continuing the grand '90s song tradition of the week, Melissa and I also got some roaring laughs out of the girls by singing  (or attempting to sing) the old classic "Scatman." 

My sweet little Evangelyn baby
By the way, Carissa is thinking of starting a blog, so if you talk to her, encourage her in that direction!
This is what it looks like when the girls refuse to nap in the pack 'n' play!
- had Petra for dinner last night. Are we noticing a trend here? I'm making myself hungry!

Tamsie being burped (it's the truth) while we had pulled over to feed the girls on the way to Memphis
 - lazed around this morning.
My little Tamerlane!

T-Dawg once again, this time sleeping with thumb in mouth... in pack 'n' play.... SUCCESS!!

Evie, reversed

The girls riding around outside La Baguette. Tamsie had started to cry, but I had forgotten her paci! Thank goodness she was easily entertained by her spare outfit. 
Great-Grandma time for Evie!
Well, I should go get ready so we can visit my mom at work. Happy Friday, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, good old BHS! So sad that all the teachers are retired, but not surprising since some of them were already ancient when we were still there! :)
