
Monday, July 9, 2012

Twins on Tour 2012: First Trip to YaYa's House!

Last night we got back home (if you can call a temporary home "home") from taking the girls on their inaugural trip to YaYa and Herbie's house in Madison, Mississippi! We had a wonderful weekend and made memories we will treasure forever! :) Mrs. DeeDee and Mr. Herbie were so gracious and hospitable, and we are very thankful and happy to live within baby-approved driving distance from them again. This trip is sure to be the first of many, many more!

We arrived in the wee hours of Saturday morning, having left after the girls' bedtime feeding on Friday night in an attempt to keep them as on-schedule as possible. Even though it was so late, Mrs. DeeDee and Chris's youngest brother Noah played with the babies and helped us get everything in place for the weekend. The girls also impressed us all by sleeping through the night, despite their new surroundings!

Saturday we hung out around the house. Mrs. DeeDee fixed us her fabulous tortellini soup for lunch, and then for dinner we met up with my Jackson family to introduce them to the babies and to catch up with them. Sunday we went to church, picked up brunch from Julep (home of amazingly delicious strawberry chocolate chip pancakes!), and then the girls had a photo session with Mrs. DeeDee's talented friend and neighbor Jana. Can't wait to see how their pictures turn out! Here are some of our collective iPhone pics from the weekend:
I stole this picture (and the next four!) from Mrs. DeeDee! Here the little ladies are chatting it up with YaYa and Uncle Noah, who, by the way, is an amazing uncle! I can already see how much the girls admire him! 
YaYa and Tamsie! I totally meant to take a picture of her gorgeous picture wall, but you can kinda see it in the mirror here. It is inspiring me for our future house! 
They're like celebrities! :)
The girls are sitting up pretty well these days, as Evie demonstrates. However, you have to sit them up. They never get into a sitting position on their own, because they're way too busy scooting around and getting into everything they can to take time out to sit still.
Breakfast time! Chris and I feed the girls in high chairs borrowed from JT and Jana. Speaking of high chairs, Chris and I are planning on taking a trip to Louisville next month, where we will pick up such much-missed items as the girls' high chairs, baby food maker and their other crib. It will be strange to stay in our own house while on vacation... assuming it hasn't sold by then! 
Evie girl and the Cat in the Hat
There's that famous Evie smile!
The girls are finally starting to hold their bottles and feed themselves, although pretty inefficiently. We're still working (and praying!) to overcome bottle issues. (This is Evie on Uncle Noah's old blanket.)
They also love their ring stacker, but their favorite thing to play with is the cone the rings go on! Who knew?! (This is Tamsie.)
At dinner - Evie with my (Emmy-winning! See, I told you I brag about you every chance I get! :) cousin Keri. Sorry for the closed eyes - blasted iPhone photography skills - but still oh so cute! Keri pulled out some little puppet eyes she put on her fingers and entertained the babies during dinner. They loved it, of course! 
Tamsie and her Great-Uncle Walt, whose grandmother was also a Tamsie
I LOVE this picture. Check out Uncle Walt's face!
That's better! :)
There was actually a dessert on the menu called the Burma. Not sure how Mom would feel about that one!
Keri's husband Bryan and Evie (stealing Keri's picture)
Uncle Walt with Tamsie, Keri with Evie, and me with my baby-proof hairstyle - no pulling! (Walt's picture)
Uncle Walt and Tamsie - so sweet! (Keri's picture - thank you Facebook!)
I love this picture of Mr. Herbie and Mrs. DeeDee. (Walt's picture)
Later that night, Mrs. DeeDee showed us some old photos. This is Baby Vaf - who does this remind you of? :)
He looks so much like his mama! Here is Mrs. DeeDee's precious baby picture. If you've seen any pictures  at all of the girls, that mouth should look verrrrry familiar! 
While we were off in Jackson, my parents celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary! Congratulations to them!!
Thanks to everyone who made the girls' first trip to Jackson so special! We loved seeing every one of you! :)

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