
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekend Update Plus

We had quite the busy/fun weekend around here! I've been meaning to do a weekend update, but when I've had a break I've either been resting up, being lazy or watching Mad Men with the Vaf. We've been on one serious Mad Men streak lately, and it's kind of out of control! Last night we were up until 12:30 catching up on it! (And I use the term "catching up" loosely -- we're still on last season!) NOT smart given the busy-ness of our days lately, but alas.
T is too smart for me. I tried mixing her veggies in with her macaroni and cheese on Friday for lunch (and YES, those are PJs -- don't judge, ha!) because she wasn't eating them on their own. However, she meticulously pilfered through them and ate all the pasta, leaving the veggies behind! What a little punk!
 - When Chris came home Friday, we took the girls out to Chipotle, which was once again a huge success. I'm thinking that's their favorite restaurant right now!

- Saturday, the girls had a picnic out on the deck, and then later in the day we went to the zoo. They had the best time they've had yet at the zoo, so that was a ton of fun! They couldn't get enough of it all! :) I'm so excited we are officially zoo members now, so that we can enjoy days like these more often. Of course, this is the only picture I got:
Drinking a special treat: water with apple juice! They don't get to drink juice often, so when they do, they are obsessed with it! E drank the whole 10 oz cup while we were at the zoo, which is a pretty unprecedented accomplishment for her. Also, you should know this picture was taken before we'd gotten very far. They didn't stay in that stroller for long!
 We have a 1:1 parent-to-18-month-old ratio going on, so it's just not the easiest getting pictures of them during high-intensity activities these days.

Saturday night I met up with Melissa and Carissa for a girls' night out, which is precisely what the three of us needed! We had dinner at Aldo's, and it more than lived up to the hype.

- Sunday we went to church and then came home and had some good old family time since the girls refused to nap until much later!
Readin' and rockin' with the Tams. She went over to the rocking chair and patted it saying, "Chair? Please? Ok." until someone gave her what she wanted and picked her up and put her in the chair. She's still just a little too short to make it up there by herself just yet!

I love those big blue eyes!

Meanwhile, E (still wearing the bloomers that went with her church dress) was getting into her books... what else?

Then she saw how much fun T was having and had to get in on that. This is the least blurry picture I was able to get of the two of them together. 


Alright, time to get down!

This is their favorite spot to sit on the deck.

Always together

Savoring Daddy time

E enjoys the view

Chris had to run some errands Sunday afternoon, so Mom and I took the girls shopping. They fell asleep in the car on the way home, and we managed to keep them asleep as we moved them inside -- and then we proceeded to hold them for about half an hour, until E woke up and then woke up T immediately afterward! We felt like this hadn't happened in about a million years. 
When I say it takes me back, this is what I'm talking about! Here I am, gazing at E and cuddling with T, back in October 2011...

And here's E cuddling with my Mom back in March 2012!

My view of Tams. She had her little belly hanging out, but I was scared I'd wake her up if I did anything about it!

Sunday night we went out to eat at Macaroni Grill with my parents. Here's E and her Granddaddy....
and T and her Amma!
Last night Mom helped me take the girls to go see Chris play soccer at church. They had so much fun, even though I had to keep Evie from running onto the field several times! Tamsie was cheering for her Daddy (quite literally) every chance she got, and I had fun hanging out with the wives of the guys on the team.

Today has mainly been a day of recuperating after last night's Mad Men fest, so that should bring you up to date on what we've been up to lately! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! :)

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